viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

Some times..

Just listen, don’t try to understand it…
I saw your face for the first time, and keep it calm,
…didn’t ask, what was happening by that time
Just calm down, and let it be the way it should be
I took your hand, and starting dreaming…
It felt weird, for me was something new,
By the way, the feeling was something true;
Now every day I see you again,
I feel the same, as happy as the first time;
Just want to say; you’re very special for me,
Girl, take your time, and give me a chance to prove myself,
Every time I see you smile my heart blows away,
And comes back, just to see you smile again…
Thank you, for be here with me, as a friend, as a partner,
Thank you, for taking your time to know me best,
Here I am, as a person, as a boy, as a part of the world…

P.D. Dedicado para una persona especial...

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